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Family Caregiver Support Groups

Find the support and strength you need as a family caregiver or unpaid caregiver. These support groups in Lewis, Mason and Thurston Counties will remind you that you are not alone.

Grief Support for Lewis, Mason, and Thurston Counties

List of Grief Support groups in PDF format. Updated April of 2023. If the list is more than a year old, let us know using the Contact Us page. We will be happy to get it updated.

14 articlesall news

2024 Community Open House Events

Olympia, Washington, April 9, 2024 — Lewis-Mason-Thurston Area Agency on Aging (LMTAAA) will connect the communitie...

Aging with Pride: IDEA

Are you or someone you know experiencing memory loss or difficulty remembering and is part of the LGBTQ community?

Appetite and Dementia

A common question for caregivers is what to do to get their family member with dementia to eat so they do not lose we...

Delivery Service Options

With home delivery at your fingertips, you will have more time to have an independent life for yourself and those clo...

Dementia caregiving takes toll on sleep

(Reuters Health) - Family caregivers for dementia patients don’t sleep as long or as well as other adults of the sa...

Heard it from a Caregiver

Things we have heard from Family Caregivers

Heard it from a Caregiver

My husband’s memory is failing and he is embarrassed when he cannot recall my name. I wear a name tag to help him ...

Legal Planning and Dementia

This Dementia Legal Planning Toolkit can help you make important financial and health care decisions and give you a p...

Seasonal Affective Disorder

"Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise." -From Les Misérables by Victor Hugo

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